How we work

The Women on Wings team, together with our panel of experts, provides pro bono business knowledge and mentoring to both Indian social enterprises and Indian government institutions that create employment for women in rural India.

Over a continuous and flexible period, Women on Wings consults 1:1 with organizations in customized onsite workshops and online sessions with experts from many different sectors to unlock growth potential and improve performance, depending on needs and challenges.

Women on Wings experts share their 10-15+ years of experience in areas such as finance, supply chain management, product development, production, HR, procurement, marketing and retail.

We fuse global knowledge and local implementation. Our partners always have ownership for all plans we jointly develop. We facilitate with our business backgrounds but only our partners implement the plan.

Our consultancy supports organizations in developing a sustainable business model alongside their growth, which ultimately results in our mission of co-creating one million jobs for women living in rural India. Learn about our impact.

How we work across the value chain

Women on Wings does:

  • provide 1:1 customized business knowledge and mentoring to
    growth-stage Indian social enterprises and government initiatives
  • organize CEO summits, webinars and meet-ups to facilitate
    collaborative problem solving, networking and peer to peer learning

Women on Wings does not:

  • work with early-stage startups (less than two years of existence)
  • focus on training programs for women
  • train people for jobs
  • provide funding
  1. Do you run a social enterprise that creates employment opportunities for women in rural India?
  2. Do you want to develop your organization further but don’t know exactly where to start?

If you can answer both questions with ‘yes’. then you sound eligible to receive our customized pro bono consulting.

So that we may further assess if we are a good match, we invite you to email us with your contact details and a very brief summary about your organization. Please put “interested in receiving consulting” in the subject line.

After you contact us, we will be happy to start a thorough conversation to understand your business as well as explain our value proposition and criteria. We want to ensure there is a fit between what you need, what we can offer and if there is potential for your organization to create more jobs for rural Indian women. If there is a fit, then we will follow this process:

First stage assessment – Qualified leads are asked to complete an assessment sheet. This is followed by an assessment call from our senior business consultants on facts, figures and other data. We then check if we can support you and if your activities will contribute toward our mission.

Second stage assessment – A specific questionnaire to evaluate you and your organization. This stage usually involves a field assessment to meet you and your team, verify all the data, visit the production site, and interact with the rural women you employ.

Based on assessments, meetings with the team and due diligence, you and Women on Wings then make a decision to work or not work together.

Once we have partnered with you, we will have a business review session to understand where you are and where you want to go. First we use Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle theory to explore the why, how and what of the enterprise.

Even if you’ve worked on your why before, we go deep with it, because from our experience since 2007, this theory has proven to be effective. Most organizations and individuals only focus on the what and how of their actions, but they neglect the why. This prevents them from reaching their full potential.

We believe that knowing your why is the key to success. It is the reason behind all actions, vision and passion. Women on Wings uses this golden circle theory to help discover the why and align it with your social enterprise’s goals.

Once we have this clarity, we will work together on your organization’s most relevant business topics and create customized workshops and online sessions with experts from multiple sectors. This is done in line with our aim to improve business results, so more jobs for women in rural India are co-created.

“Thanks to the consultancy of Women on Wings, we now understand our team strengths and areas of improvement and more importantly, how we should be organizing ourselves going forward.”

Siva Devireddy
Founder and CEO at GoCoop
