If you value the importance of our work and believe in breaking the cycle of poverty through economic development, you can support us financially with 100 euros per year. As a Friend you contribute to realizing our goal and to improving the lives of women in rural India and their families.
Become Friend or make a donation
For Dutch bank account holders:
Stichting Women on Wings has the ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), granted by the Dutch Tax Administration, therefore tax exemptions apply to donations. Also, Women on Wings has been issued the CBF Recognition (CBF Erkend Goed Doel). Check out our CBF Recognition passport.
Complete the authorization form now and become a Friend for 100 euro per year or 25 euro per quarter.
Or make a one time donation to Women on Wings, IBAN: NL64RABO 0136489931
For Indian bank account holders:
Donations to Women on Wings Foundation come under section 80G of the Indian income tax act, 1961.
Please send an email to our Indian team and we will share our bank details.
For foreign bank account holders (other than Dutch or Indian):
Make a donation to Women on Wings, IBAN: NL64RABO 0136489931 / BIC: RABONL2U at Rabobank Utrecht, The Netherlands.
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Read our privacy policy to learn more about how we process your data (in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU).