Annual Report and Accounts FY 2021-2022: a year of revival and resurgence

Women on Wings is proud to present its Annual Report and Accounts FY 2021-2022. The report highlights how Women on Wings continued its work with its -growing number of- business partners during the pandemic, and how a new women entrepreneurship program with Indian state governments aims at accelerating job growth for women in rural India.

Contributing to one million jobs
Women on Wings’ mission is to take rural families out of poverty through economic development for women in rural India. In FY 2021-2022, 54 volunteer experts contributed a total of 264 working days on realizing this mission. Says Ronald van het Hof, joint Managing Director at Women on Wings: “Without our experts’ investment in time and talent and the great support of our funding partners we would not be able to achieve our goal. Last year, all of us had gotten used to an online work mode. We moderated 358 online workshops, 25 assessments and 3 webinars. From July 2021 onwards, we slowly resumed travel to partners, resulting in 11 on-site workshops and 4 field assessments. We welcomed 8 new business partners. Our online community platform proved a wonderful medium to share information about COVID-19 support programs and various awards initiatives to which some of our partners successfully applied to. Also, we witnessed an increase of queries posted by our community, resulting in new collaborations.”

Accelerating impact
Adds Shilpa Mittal Singh, joint Managing Director at Women on Wings: “This pandemic obviously impacts all people, but according to the UN, women especially were bearing the brunt of the economic and social fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes our work more relevant than ever. We are extremely proud to see our partners eagerly working on their ambitious growth plans to engage more rural women. We are getting many requests for reviewing strategies. Also, we are very proud of our new women entrepreneurship program which we are executing in partnership with state governments. Jharkhand is the first state which signed on for our program that will bring extra opportunities to accelerate our impact in the years to come.”

Annual Report & Accounts FY 2021-2022
Women on Wings works with social enterprises in India on accelerating their businesses and thus generate new employment opportunities for women in rural India. Since its inception in September 2007 till March 2022, a total of 281,000 jobs for women in rural India have been co-created with 48 partners in India. More about the Women on Wings approach, the new women entrepreneurship program and other results of FY 2021-2022 can be found in the audited Annual Report & Accounts FY 2021-2022.
