Cuppa City Coffee supports Women on Wings

India is usually identified as a ‘chai’ drinking nation, but the country witnesses an expanding market of coffee lovers. Mumbai based Cuppa City is a coffee company founded by a female barista who is on a mission to help empower women. The entrepreneur has built giving into the DNA of Cuppa City and donates part of online revenues to Women on Wings.

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Cuppa City founder Nell Neem: “I am a barista and coffee roaster. I have a passion to turn freshly harvested green coffee beans into a delicious beverage. At the same time, I also have a passion to empower women. I believe it is important to share what we have with others. Like women who did not have all those opportunities which I had and still have. Women on Wings shares knowledge with social enterprises in India to generate more jobs for rural women. I find that so inspiring that I decided to share part of my revenues with Women on Wings. I feel very proud to contribute to realizing its mission.”

Empowering more women
Nell Neem honed her skills in espresso brewing techniques working as barista in a specialty coffee shop in Seattle, USA. As a Speciality Coffee Association certified coffee roaster, she has in-depth knowledge of coffee bean analysis and taste evaluation. On her mission to empower more women, she actively seeks female businesses to source raw materials from and collaborate with. For instance, Cuppa City purchases coffee beans from women farmer producer groups in south India.

Photo: Nell Neem
