Successful CEO Summit for Women on Wings’ partners

Next to ‘1-on-1’ interventions, Women on Wings also provides a platform to the CEO’s of its partners where they can discuss challenges and solutions with peers who share the same perspectives. On November 22 and 23, 2019, eight CEOs joined Women on Wings’ CEO Summit in Gurgaon. Under the guidance of three experts, they dived into the world of impact investing, leadership and peer to peer learning.

Not so lonely at the top
These topics, brought by Women on Wings’ experts in interactive workshops, will help the social entrepreneurs in running their ventures even more successfully. Dimple Sahni, managing director Impact Investing at Anthos, gave insights in the entire spectrum of impact investing / funding and, in role plays, supported the CEOs in pitching their companies for funding proposals. Esther Goethart, owner at Goethart Consultancy & Mediation, and Marlies van der Meulen-Sahni, managing director Polygon, worked on leadership and how inspiring leadership translates into loyal and committed employees. And ultimately effects the results of a company. Also, the importance of peer to peer learning was discussed. Sometimes it is lonely at the top and by creating an atmosphere where they speak openly with peers, Women on Wings enables them to share their experiences, find solutions, benchmark and learn from each other.

Providing a platform
The CEOs shared very positive feedback and requested to have two such summits per year. They shared that these topics are most important for them but at the same time difficult to discuss with subordinates. Shilpa Mittal Singh, joint Managing Director at Women on Wings: “Witnessing the struggle around these topics at many of our partners, we again brought together peers and specialists. In our previous Summits we experienced the success of providing such a platform.”
