Annual Report and Accounts FY 2018-2019

Women on Wings is proud to present its Annual Report and Accounts FY2018-2919. The report not only highlights results, impact and learnings of the work done in India, it also gives a voice to those who benefit from the Women on Wings approach; women artisans and social entrepreneurs who work in rural India. A number of Dutch experts explain how they gain so much from sharing their knowledge with the Women on Wings partners in India. The Women on Wings approach impacts a lot of its stakeholders.

Women on Wings 2.0: power of collaboration
The Women on Wings joint managing directors are very pleased with last year’s results. Ronald van het Hof: “Over the years we have learned that interaction with peers, consultants and other stakeholders is of added value to our business partners. To facilitate this interaction we started working towards a new Women on Wings approach. We aim to create an online community where like-minded partners can benefit from one other. Partnership is key to realizing the challenges in the social space. Currently under development, the platform is aimed to launch at the end of this year. And despite the fact that we spent quite some time on developing the new strategy, we continued to work on our mission as usual.”

Contributing to one million jobs
Women on Wings’ mission is to co-create one million jobs for women in rural India. In FY 2018-2019 a network of 54 volunteer experts contributed a total of 522 working days on realizing this mission. Shilpa Mittal Singh: “Without our experts’ investment in time and talent we would not be able to achieve our goal. And thanks to two new funding partners in both The Netherlands and India, plus the extension of a long term funding partnership in The Netherlands we are yet another step closer to our ever challenging goal. It’s great to witness a growth in partners who believe in our approach and want to contribute to our mission.”

Results in Annual Report & Accounts
Women on Wings works with social enterprises in India on accelerating their businesses and thus create new employment opportunities for women in rural India. Since its inception in 2007 till March 2019, a total of 266,400 jobs for women in rural India have been co-created with 37 partners in India. More about the Women on Wings approach, results of FY 2018-2019 and the new strategy can be found in the audited Annual Report & Accounts FY 2018-2019.

@picture thanks to Brett Cole
