Sales of sanitary pads significantly increased

Rural women who work at Women on Wings’ partner Dharma Life sell products from a so called ‘social basket’ like sanitary pads, soap and solar lanterns. After a workshop with the Dharma Life sales team, sales of the sanitary pads has significantly increased thanks to some effective changes in the way of working.

Female entrepreneur eager
Currently 815 so called ‘Dharma Life Entrepreneurs’ (DLE’s) are trained by Women on Wings’ local implementing partner Dharma Life. However, not all DLE’s sell according to their target. Early June Women on Wings expert Daphne Pit worked for two days with the Dharma Life sales team in New Delhi on plans to increase sales. Daphne: “We took a look at the current sales model and communication with the DLE’s. Jointly we worked on how to improve the structure and the defined roles and key responsibilities for the Dharma Life team. A better span of control would improve the mentoring and coaching of the DLE’s. By making them more aware of their targets versus sales, so actually their own income, they will feel more responsible and eager to make it happen.”

Sales boost after training
The new sales plan involves the DLE’s much more. A training module will increase their back ground knowledge of the products they sell and will bring understanding of basic sales principles. Mid-June Dharma Life worked for two days on implementing the new way of working in the organization. The training module for DLE’s was implemented early July. The results are amazing: in two weeks’ time sales of the DLE’s have increased significantly.

Photo: FXB International
