Reinventing the vegetable supply chain

Women are the backbone of Indian agriculture. Even though their role is often not acknowledged, it is vital and indispensable. Women are increasingly establishing their identity as efficient and knowledgeable farmers in their community, thus increasing the scope of inclusion and equity in India’s society.

New partnership
Women on Wings collaborates with various partners in the agricultural sector that work towards creating better livelihoods for their, mainly female, farmers. The youngest partnership was signed and sealed mid-March in Patna with KAUSHALYA Foundation and KNIDS Green.

From farm gate to food plate
KNIDS Green markets the farm produce of KAUSHALYA Foundation which has been working towards professionalizing the agriculture value chain as its forte aligning it to best practices encouraging organic farming and environment-friendly climate smart agriculture by training and organizing the, mainly female, farmers. Thus creating wealth and prosperity from farm gate to food plate through undertaking the holistic view of vegetable supply chain.

Tri-party partnership in co-creation jobs
KAUSHALYA Foundation works to provide end to end solution to farmers and its collaboration with KNIDS GREEN Pvt Ltd to sell farmers produce through them has been a win-win step for everyone; farmers, vendors, customers and organizations. This collaboration provides assured and remunerative market to farmers as well as share market information and market intelligence with farmers helping them to improve their crop planning as per market demand and putting their best foot forward while selling their produces.
