Ellen Tacoma joins Rangsutra’s Supervisory Board

The ambition of Rangsutra is to become a global brand. That’s why Sumita Ghose, Rangsutra’s CEO, wanted a mix of national and international members in the Supervisory Board. She asked Ellen Tacoma, co-founder Women on Wings, to take a seat in the Supervisory Board. An honorable task which Ellen accepted with great pleasure.

Sumita Ghose: “We want to continue our growth in the international market. Therefor we require a proper branding strategy. But international growth requires also organizational development to manage different types of clients. Therefor we need expertise from abroad and that’s what Women on Wings brings us.”

During the annual shareholder meeting on the 12th of September in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Ellen was introduced to the shareholders. The shareholders confirmed Ellen’s board membership.

Rangsutra is one of Women on Wings’ first clients. It is specialized in hand made women garments and home textiles. The uniqueness of Rangsutra is the large group of artisans who are shareholders in the company.

Ellen speaks at annual shareholders meeting on 12 September 2013, Bikaner.

Ellen Tacoma (left) and Sumita Ghose at annual shareholder meeting on 12 September 2013, Bikaner.
